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A look back at design trends for 2011
May. 23, 2019

2011 Bedroom Decorating Trends

Are you ready to update your drab bedroom into something fantastically perfect? The decorating trends for 2011 allow you to have the bedroom you have always wanted; clean, serene, and beautiful. By updating your bedroom using current trends you can ensure that your master bedroom remains modern for many years to come. Nine Clouds Beds hopes this guide provides a helpful start to your new look.


Time was once that one color scheme dominated the yearly trend; white, pastels, reds, etc. Nowadays you can have your choice of a host of colours. Whether you choose a monochrome effect or jazz up your room with a variety of colours, you can have the perfect scheme for your daily getaway. Here are some ideas for inspiration:


If you’ve ever wanted to make your bedroom akin to a haven in the wilderness then choose some of this year’s trendy colors in natural shades. Picture medium to dark browns, mossy greens, and light greys. Throw in a dash of orange, red, or purple if you want to have a bit more personality in the room.


If you love natural tones, but like a bit more color than dark browns or green, consider combining more botanical greens and combine them with shades of blue. Imagine sleeping under a canopy of palm trees by a sparkling blue sea, and bring those colours home to your bedroom.

Powerful Pink

Pink isn’t the girly color it used to be – it’s bold and gorgeous. Sizzling pinks can bring sophistication to a drab bedroom, and can be combined with other shades (like grey and brown) to make for a beautiful sleeping area, for males and females alike. If overall pink is a bit too much, just add a dash here and there to brighten up your sleeping area.

Luxury Lavender & Gold

Ever wanted a room fit for royalty? Consider combining shades of lavender and gold or silver to make a luscious statement. Pick out some shimmery wallpaper and a luxury duvet cover, pair it with a gorgeous ornate lamp and metallic cushions and you will have a room that you can be proud of.

Black and White

Black and white never goes out of style, and it can add a level of sophistication to any bedroom, large or small. Paint the walls a lovely white or grey-tone, and get some new bedding for an instant change. Add some gold or silver tones for an added touch of class, or consider some bold black and white wallpapers and fabrics for an extra bold statement.



These amazing wallpapers can be easily installed in any room, and can be painted quickly down the road if the trends change down the road, making them amazingly flexible and a great long-term investment in your décor plans. Get brave and install wallpaper on all four walls – or just behind your bed for a fun statement.

Subdued Tones

Look for tone-on-tone wallpapers to add a subtle change to your bedroom. These double-print papers can spruce up any room – consider adding them to a guest room or hallway as well. While they may not be as bold as some papers, they are the perfect way to change the look of a room with a more complex pattern than paint.


Bronze, gold, silver – metallic wallpapers can effect a remarkable change in a bedroom and turn it into a high-class haven for sleeping. Look for hand-painted designs if you prefer quality, or even consider adding a touch of metallic to your wallpaper yourself, all you need is a brush, some paint, and a little time! For a fully regal look consider papering your whole room in a metallic glow.

Earth Tones

Bold, beautiful florals in earth tones can both brighten your room, and if you stick to greens and browns you can match with pretty much any décor. For a splash of colour you can choose some hibiscus prints, roses, or other botanicals. Co-ordinate the rest of your bedroom by matching your textiles to one or more of the colours in the paper, or use similar tones.


If you are finding all the wallpaper and colour choosing to be a bit overwhelming, consider starting with a scheme and working from there. All you need is one idea to drive your inspiration and see where it takes you. Here are a few suggestions:

Spa Serenity

Do you want your bedroom to be a haven of peace and serenity? Consider adopting a “spa” feeling in your room. Start with some peaceful blues and greens, or choose earth tones that provide a soothing, calming feeling. Invest in some high-quality bedding, a gorgeous chandelier, and a myriad of throw pillows to make your room calm and comfortable. Consider also adding some natural elements, such as stone or wood.


Something is very calming and comforting about having a room that provides exactly what you need, and nothing more. Sleek lines and minimal furniture will make your room feel bigger, and employing a monochrome colour scheme can help encourage a feeling of everything being perfectly in order. Square furniture, cubist patterns, and platform beds all make up a portion of this décor scheme.


Today’s bedrooms don’t have to be just bedrooms; they can also offer a lovely seated reading areas, a sitting area for relaxing with your loved ones, or a computer desk. If you have a large bedroom, or a small living area, then consider adding a living area to your bedroom. Use throw rugs and different wall colors to define a separate area for your bedroom, or simply incorporate them into the overall scheme. For this type of bedroom to work you have to be able to “let it go” when you go to bed, otherwise you may find your sleep interrupted.

Mix and Match

Having a hard time settling on a scheme? No worries, one of this year’s trends is a mix and match approach. Take your favourite colours and textures, and then mix them all together. Round with square, textured with smooth, bright with dark. In the end you will be surrounded by all the things you adore, and your room will be a unique expression of your personality. Start at a thrift store, flea market, and pick up a few pieces you can work from.

Storage Solutions

Cluttered up with stuff? Make your room more habitable with some quality storage. Keep extra beds and sheets in rolling boxes under the bed, and turn the area over and around your headboard into a gorgeous bookcase. Woven baskets or hand-papered boxes can hold your odds and ends, and will give your room some texture and organization. Think of how peaceful your room will be once everything is squared away neatly.

Eco-Friendly Trends

More and more decorating trends are leaning towards eco-friendly options. Whether using nature to inspire your room décor, or finding environmentally sustainable decorating options, being one with the planet has never been more fashionable. Here are a few ideas:

                Nature-Inspired Décor

Several nature-inspired design elements can be used to make your bedroom stand out, while giving it a cohesive look and feel. Some ideas include the following:

  • Faux Bois (fake wood): Items that look like wood, but aren’t. They could be panels, lamps, furniture, or even fabrics.
  • Prints: Floral and leafy prints are huge this year, whether in wallpaper or fabrics. If you don’t want to make a permanent change, consider updating your duvet cover or adding some tropical-themed pillows and shams that can be easily changed out if they aren’t your style.
  • Colours: As previously mentioned, browns and greens are hot this year, but so are other nature-inspired colors like rose pinks and lavender purples. Choose two or three colours that work for you and weave them throughout your space.
  • Flowing Water: Enhance the spa-like feeling of your bedroom with water. Whether with actual water (a small fountain) or water-inspired glass décor, you can now bring a touch of a sparkling sea or lake indoors.

Environmentally Friendly

The second aspect of the new eco-trend is using paint and décor that are environmentally-friendly, long-wearing, and recyclable. Consider the following aspects when you are changing your room:

  • Recycled/Repurposed: Look for items that can be reused - like old wood that can be changed into a desk, bedding make from recycled cotton, and recycled paint. The more you reuse or repurpose items, the less strain you are putting on the planet.
  • Natural Ingredients: Cotton and bamboo make for soft and natural sheets and blankets, and will naturally break down at the end of their life span. You can even find recycled wallpapers that use non-toxic inks.
  • Air Quality: Improve your indoor quality and make your room healthier to sleep in by reducing dust and airborne particles. Also look for low-emission paints that will ensure your bedroom’s air is as toxin free as possible.


What’s a new bedroom if you still have your same drab old furniture? Sometimes the only thing a room needs is the right type of furniture to fit your space. Here are a few ideas:

  • Modern and Sleek: Consider black or dark woods that are slick and minimalist in design. Low-back chairs and low benches can add a convenient sitting area without taking up too much space.
  • Mix and Match: Like the rest of your bedroom design trend, your furniture pieces do not have to match. Different styles, sizes, colours, and textures give a room a well-loved appearance. However, it is recommended that the pieces remain in the same color family, particularly with wood pieces.
  • Fun Fabrics: Ordinary furniture can be given a new lease on life by recovering with a new and fun fabric pattern. Keep the fabric in line with the rest of your colour scheme, or make it a signature piece with a bold statement.

Platforms: For the ultimate in sleek and sophisticated, consider upgrading to a platform bed.